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25th Jan 2021

Buy Bitcoin and Fund Your Account Instantly With a Credit/Debit Card 

CryptoAltum is delighted to announce it’s integration with Instacoins, a fully regulated payment gateway solution which allows clients to purchase Bitcoin with a credit/debit card.

For clients who wish to trade with CryptoAltum but don’t already own Bitcoin, this is a quick and simple solution to fund their trading account.

How does it work?

There are several simple and easy steps to follow:

1. Make sure you have a clear copy of your ID (valid Passport, Driving License or National ID card, and clear copies of the front and back of your credit/debit card.

2. From the deposit options with the Client Portal, select ‘Deposit’ on your Bitcoin (BTC) e-Wallet and then then select ‘I will buy crypto with my credit/debit card’:

3. Enter the amount you wish to deposit (minimum 50), then select ‘Bitcoin via Instacoins’ and then ‘Proceed’.

4. You will then be promoted to register with Instacoins and provide your card and KYC documents (Approval of documents will take around 5 minutes).

6. In the Instacoins Portal, navigate to 'Transaction History' and select the most recent pending transaction, and then select 'Authorise'.

7. That it! The funds will then automatically be sent to your CyptoAltum e-Wallet (around 10-15 minutes).

What’s more, CryptoAltum is happy to reimburse any fees incurred in the form of trade credit in your MT5 Account.

Have questions?

Reach out to our dedicated 24/7 support team ([email protected]) and we’ll be more than happy to help! 

Risk Disclosure: Trading cryptocurrencies or any other financial instrument involves a significant level of risk and may result in a total loss of your investment. You should consider carefully whether investing in Bitcoin or any other instrument offered by CryptoAltum is appropriate to your financial situation. CryptoAltum only accepts deposits in Cryptocurrencies. By trading with CryptoAltum you acknowledge your understanding of this risk disclosure and your agreement with the Terms and Conditions.

This website is not directed at any jurisdiction and is not intended for any use that would be contrary to local law or regulation.

CryptoAltum does not accept any clients under the age of 18. 
  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020