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29th Jun 2020

Daily Market Analysis Added!

CryptoAltum is proud to announce the addition of daily market analysis in its company blog section.

Our daily market analysis will give you an overview of the top three cryptos, which are BTC, ETH, and XRP. This gives a wide picture of how the cryptos performed in a general sense and highlights a specific instrument that outperformed or performed worse than the other cryptos.

Furthermore, you’ll get a breakdown on how each crypto is doing, which levels to watch out for, and what is the expected move. This also includes a chart of the cryptos with some technical indicators and trendlines.

Don’t miss out! Stay up to date with the top three cryptocurrencies.

You can also join our Telegram channel for free daily market updates covering BTC, ETH, XRP!

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Reach out to our dedicated 24/7 support team [email protected]

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020