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CryptoAltum Lists Aave on MT5

What is Aave?

Aave is one of the leading DeFi protocols allowing for the decentralized lending and borrowing of supported digital assets on Ethereum. Through Aave, users can also earn high-interest rates on their assets. Borrowers have to overcollateralize assets depending on the collateral coverage ratio before loans are automatically dispensed. Loans are in the form of aTokens, pegged to the value of another token. The current programming also ensures that the lender receives interest on deposits. AAVE is the governance token of the Aave protocol.

Why Trade AAVE?

DeFi is quickly expanding to be part of the global financial system. Aave is one of the top protocols. Holders of AAVE access various benefits like discounts when borrowing or lending. Those who take loans using AAVE as collateral can also borrow slightly more. AAVE is now available for trading at CryptoAltum, a three-year cryptocurrency exchange with a global audience. New traders will receive a 25 percent bonus on all deposits and enjoy commission-free trading.

Aave is just one of over 70 cryptocurrency pairs offered by CryptoAltum. New users are welcome to register a free demo account and try the platform risk free for an unlimited amount of time. 

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020