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CryptoAltum Lists Chainlink on MT5

Chainlink (LINK)

Chainlink is a multi-chain decentralized oracle provider linking on-chain smart contracts with verified and tamper-proof external data. For the role it plays, Chainlink is also known as middleware. Chainlink incentivizes node operators to supply reliable data for triggering smart contracts powering various operations on-chain, effectively linking the blockchain and the physical world. Each node has a reputation score—the higher, the more incentives it receives. Without Chainlink's decentralized oracle infrastructure, smart contracts' capabilities would be limited. It means innovations like DeFi, NFTs, and blockchain gaming would have been capped, relatively insecure, and subsequently not worth their mega valuation.

Why Trade LINK

DeFi and NFTs are only getting started. For guaranteed security, they need to integrate a reliable and time-tested oracle provider. Chainlink has thus far proven to be a leading decentralized oracle provider used by over 300 dApps. With more adoption, the more valuable LINK becomes. By market valuation, LINK is a top-20 cryptocurrency. It is now available on CryptoAltum, a reputable cryptocurrency exchange. Traders use the all-familiar MT5 platform to trade LINK with up to 50X leverage against USDT, BTC, and other liquid coins.

Chainlink is just one of over 70 cryptocurrency pairs offered by CryptoAltum. New users are welcome to register a free demo account and try the platform risk free for an unlimited amount of time. 

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020