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Enjin (ENJ) Launched on the CryptoAltum Trading Platform

What is Enjin (ENJ)?

ENJ is the ERC-20 token on Ethereum behind the Enjin Network, a specialized platform forming the core of an interconnected system of blockchain games adopting the ERC-1155 standard for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). ENJ is the utility token and a medium of exchange for all products issued by Enjin's creators revolving around their marketplace, wallet, and the Enjin Network. 

Why Trade ENJ With CryptoAltum?

According to statistics, blockchain gaming could command a market valuation of $325 billion by 2027. Meanwhile, more gaming developers plan to integrate NFTs. Considering the role of NFTs in gaming and how Enjin has established itself over the years, traders can profit from the volatility of the highly liquid ENJ token from a secure and reputable cryptocurrency exchange, CryptoAltum. ENJ is one of the most liquid metaverse tokens, soaring more than 2000% to peak at $4.5 in 2021.

Enjin is just one of over 70 cryptocurrency pairs offered by CryptoAltum. New users are welcome to register a free demo account and try the platform risk free for an unlimited amount of time. 

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020