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Theta (THT) Launched on the CryptoAltum Trading Platform

What is THETA?

Theta is an open-source, peer-to-peer video delivery network founded by Mitch Liu in 2017 and actively developed by Theta Labs. The platform's creators hope to revolutionize the multi-billion online streaming industry by launching a reliable, incentivized video streaming infrastructure that rewards content creators. When streaming videos, the viewer uses part of their device's computing power to “forward” videos to other users. In return, they earn rewards in TFUEL. The Theta network is decentralized. It is controlled by content creators, allowing the streaming of diverse content types ranging from sports, movies, music, and more. THETA is the governance token of the Theta network and has a fixed supply of one billion coins.

Why Trade THETA with CryptoAltum?

More content is moving online. Theta is already well-positioned to be a leading content distributor, given its early lead as a reliable peer-to-peer video delivery network. Theta is actively building, recently releasing Theta Mainnet 3.0 introducing TFUEL staking, Uptime mining, and a burning mechanism for TFUEL. At the same time, it furthers their expansion plan for the ThetaDrop NFT marketplace. All of these support THETA. CryptoAltum MT5 traders can trade THETA up to 50X leverage.

Theta is just one of over 70 cryptocurrency pairs offered by CryptoAltum. New users are welcome to register a free demo account and try the platform risk free for an unlimited amount of time. 

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020