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How will you Know Whether a Crypto Broker is Genuine?

Trading is attractive for many reasons. 

On one end, users enjoy freedom such as flexible working hours and working remotely from any location in the world. Huge profits can be made, financially liberating a trader if the skill is perfected.

Yet on the other hand, traders can find themselves high and dry if they fail to do their due diligence. When it comes to trading, choosing the right partnering broker is of utmost importance.

Brokers are channels through which a trader entrusts, putting his/her skills to use, profiting from the high-octane and traditionally volatile space.

So, how can a trader pick out a genuine crypto broker?

The one thing they can do is check out their website. If anything, this is their primary portal, a homepage that welcomes all would-be clients. If this is sketchily and unprofessionally done, it is best to keep off. Some markers of quality include wireframing, ad density, and website response. 

A prospective trader can check the crypto broker's website; if verified, the better. Social media channels should be active at a minimum, posts on trading accompanied by disclosures—for example, all posts ought to be professionally crafted.

Traders can also check out reviews, reading feedback from other traders who have used the platform before. Be wary of exchanges whose reviews are jammed-packed with flowers. Often, they are fake reviews. Organic reviews, often, are a blend of good and fair reviews, reflective of the opinion of all users.

For more interesting tips and facts visit our Education Centre.

Have Questions? 

We're available 24/7 to help you. You can email us, or send us a message on WhatsApp, Telegram or Messenger!

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020