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What is IOTA and why is it Unique?

CryptoAltum lists IOTA, the coin behind the Internet-of-Things platform.

Why is IOTA so unique to draw the attention of traders?

Indeed, technical indicators come to play, and as altcoins, Bitcoin can make prices tick from time to time.

IOTA is unique because it is one of the most valuable IoT projects keen to power the machine economy.

The project's creators are also environmentally conscious and want industries to adopt its network without fees concern.

For this reason, IOTA is 'blockless' and uses proof-of-work for transaction confirmation. This is possible because of the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), which is at the heart of IOTA, allowing for infinite scalability and feeless transactions.

Here is one thing you should know: IOTA is still working towards this ideal state—you are still early. Presently, it is transiting via Coordicide, a reason why traders are optimistic the network will top its category.

Coordicide is a multi-year, multi-phase transition to gradually remove the central coordinator (a special node protecting the IOTA network)—and may happen in 2021.

In anticipation of possible price expansions, IOTA is available for trading in CryptoAltum.

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020