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Why ‘Speedy and Private’ Registration for a Crypto Trading Account is Trendy

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are built on the principle of global access and privacy preservation. Indeed, privacy is a global concern. The word is, if you are using a free service, you are the product.

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain aim to protect the end-user. In line with this, it only fits crypto trading brokers to extend the same to their clients. 

Exchanges are needed to request intrusive details such as IDs/passports, including utility bills for account verification.

This is quickly changing. 

Forward-looking exchanges like CryptoAltum, for example, only require a new user to create an account using an email address. 

And it gets better. The use of cryptocurrencies as a base currency is a refreshing change. Once the email address has been confirmed, a trader can proceed to deposit and immediately trade using BTC or USDT. 

This means cost and time saving since this is often instantaneous, tags zero fees, and the user interests are protected—abiding by the tenets of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Traders can afterward access over 60 trading pairs and leverage up to as high as 500X while enjoying high deposit bonuses.

For more interesting tips and facts visit our Education Centre.

Have Questions? 

We're available 24/7 to help you. You can email us, or send us a message on WhatsApp, Telegram or Messenger!

Risk Disclosure: Trading cryptocurrencies or any other financial instrument involves a significant level of risk and may result in a total loss of your investment. You should consider carefully whether investing in Bitcoin or any other instrument offered by CryptoAltum is appropriate to your financial situation. CryptoAltum only accepts deposits in Cryptocurrencies. By trading with CryptoAltum you acknowledge your understanding of this risk disclosure and your agreement with the Terms and Conditions.

This website is not directed at any jurisdiction and is not intended for any use that would be contrary to local law or regulation.

CryptoAltum does not accept any clients under the age of 18. 
  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020