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18th Mar 2021
Dalmas Ngetich, for CryptoAltum News Team

Cardano Roars 21 Percent as ADA Spike 53X Year-to-Date on Coinbase Listing

Cardano prices soared above $1.30 on Mar 17, building on news of ADA's listing at Coinbase. The U.S. exchange is one of the world's largest and oldest with millions of clients, enabling direct USD purchasing. Subsequently, due to the 'Coinbase Effect', ADA lift-off could be the base for more gains above $1.50 to a new 2021 high ahead of DeFi and smart contracting through Goguen.


Cardano is still under development, planning to launch smart contacting via Goguen. Ahead of this milestone, listing at Coinbase is a major shot in the arm, a reason that might see the ADA/USD price reach new 2021 highs. Charles Hoskinson is confident of Cardano attracting more dApps from Ethereum, citing their low fees and scalability. 

Impact on ADA Price: 

Bullish. The ADA price is more than 53X year-to-date. Bulls expect more gains above $2 to even $10 as Cardano progressively builds towards Voltaire. Before then, their peer-review and scientific approach helped create a secure, scalable, and differentiated product attractive for developers, especially DeFi.

More market news over on our Blog

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