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31st Dec 2020
CryptoAltum Research Team

From 2021, People Will Cease to Think Bitcoin as being a “Tulip Bubble”

Willy Woo is confident Bitcoin won’t be this cheap and from 2021, people will cease to describe Bitcoin's meteoric rise as a “Tulip Bubble.” Woo--who is an established Bitcoin on-chain analyst, points to some interesting metrics, including the impressive rate of Bitcoin’s on-boarding, the steady capital inflow over the last 12 years, and the fact that, now, approximately two percent of the world’s population are aware of what Bitcoin and crypto are.


Bitcoin, according to several public companies and hedge fund millionaires, is a reliable store of value that business leaders should consider investing in. As for their reason, some are already including Bitcoin as part of their strategic investment, raising funds, and subsequently sinking millions into the digital asset. Besides, over the years, Bitcoin has risen from obscurity to be a censorship-resistant coin that is reliable, digital, and serves as a medium of exchange and a store of value for economies ravaged by hyperinflation caused by governments’ mismanagement of monetary policy. With tailwinds from the Coronavirus pandemic and fiat debasement, more people and firms are strategically flocking to Bitcoin to preserve value and benefit from a rapidly rising coin.

Impact on the BTC Price: 

Bullish. In another four years, Willy had predicted that a quarter of the world’s population would know the value of Bitcoin. This will be enough to propel the digital coin to six-figures and even to $500k as the Winklevoss Twins predicted.

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