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17th Dec 2020
CryptoAltum Research Team

Litecoin Price is approaching $100, adds 14% in 24 Hours 

The Litecoin price, syncing with Bitcoin, is approaching $100. It is a top performer in the top-5, equaling BTC's performance in the last 24 hours, and looking likely to rally past $100 in the next few days considering the current momentum.


Litecoin is silver to Bitcoin gold. It complements Bitcoin, boasts of higher throughput, fast-block-generation times, atomic swaps with BTC, and now because of its near-negligible trading fees, a layer Atari is launching its games on. The network has also found success in recent times from the development front. After Charlie Lee exited when LTC surged to around $400, development stopped. However, in recent days, there has been an uptick in commits on GitHub. Coupled with support from PayPal, LTC/USD stands to benefit from investor influx.

Impact on the LTC Price: 

Bullish. The LTC/USD pair has been mirroring BTC's stellar performance, adding 14 percent in the last day and likely to break $100 in coming weeks if fundamentals do prop prices.

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