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07th Apr 2021
Dalmas Ngetich, for CryptoAltum News Team

Miami Public Services to Run on Ethereum, ETHUSD Race Above $2.15k

Miami city plans to run its public services on the blockchain. According to the mayor, they are now actively collaborating with Ethereum Foundation and its developers. In the latest podcast hosted by the Block, Ethereum's co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, and Francis Suarez—the crypto vocal mayor, said they are exploring blockchain. They have now embarked on a new collaborative project focused on crypto services. Meanwhile, while not assuming causation, the Ethereum price rose to its all-time high above $2.15k.


Francis is a crypto supporter. He has repeatedly said he wants to make Miami a crypto and blockchain hub, competitive than Wyoming and other crypto-facing states. The mayor turned heads earlier this year when he said he would allocate part of Miami's public treasury to Bitcoin. Therefore, this announcement is one of the many that shows the city's and mayor's commitment to crypto and technology.

Impact on the Ethereum Price: 

Bullish. The state's adoption would be a significant boost for Ethereum as a preferred, layer-one network suitable for heavy dApps deployed by the state. It would also show that the government has full trust on the chronology of all records secured by the public network. Consequently, this could build a firm ground for a new wave of higher highs towards $3k or better.

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