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16th Oct 2020
CryptoAltum Research Team

A Pro-Gamer in Japan To Receive His Salary in XRP

Kengo “Ken” Suzuki, a high profile pro-gamer considered as one of the best Japanese sonic players, will now receive his salary in XRP after signing a contract with SBI eSports. It is a gaming wing of SBI Holdings--a financial giant and a partner of Ripple driving the adoption of RippleNet solutions across SE Asia. The move to pay its partners in XRP is part of their sponsorship deal with SBI VC Trade.


Gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry especially in SE Asia. The decision by Kengo--an influential gamer, to accept his salary in XRP, not the Japanese Yen (JPY) is massive for the asset’s price. Every other pro-player signing with SBI eSports will receive payment in XRP. The more, the better for price and brand as XRP transactions, unlike BTC, settle faster and cheaply. 

Impact on the XRP Price: 

Bullish. The SBI eSports was recently launched and already, one of the best sonic players has been signed. The more players accept XRP, the more people will want to try out XRP. This is bullish both for the XRP price and the Ripple brand.

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