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07th Dec 2020
CryptoAltum Research Team

Ripple is Ready and Excited for Smart Contracting, Expands XRP Use-Case

The CEO of Ripple is excited about the Flare Network that will, for the first time, introduce smart contracting in the XRPL. The digital ledger underpins the XRP. From here, Ripple is building a web, an internet of value, through which the Flare Network will introduce more flexibility and demonstrate the utility of XRP.


Holders of XRP will receive a share of the SPARK token. The snapshot will be on Saturday, on Dec 12. Ahead of this event, it is highly likely that XRP demand will increase as holders. In Brad’s view, the Flare Network is willing to airdrop SPARK tokens--an asset that’s distinct from XRP, which means they have pointed out the flexibility and the potential of the XRPL. The utility of the Ripple ledger will go a long way in driving the prices of XRP.

Impact on the XRP Price: 

Bullish. XRP holders are “deservingly excited” about the Flare Network and the impact it will have on the Ripple network from a utility point of view. Combined with the On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) that uses XRP running on the XRPL, smart contracting on the ledger introduces more demand for XRP, a net positive.

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