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21st Oct 2020
CryptoAltum Research Team

Validators Confused on which client to Use ahead of Eth2 Phase 0

Reports suggest a possible Validator confusion ahead of the Beacon Chain mainnet launch judging from the number of validators securing the Medalla multiclient. According to sources conversant with the problem, only a few validators are still hanging around and Medalla, one of the dry runs before Zinken, is once again facing finality issues as validators are confused about which client they should use. 


The Beacon Chain mainnet launch must be as smooth as possible. Since a minimum of 66 percent of Validators must be plugged in and 512,000 ETH coins deposited for activation, validators--tasked with securing the network, should know which client to use during onboarding. If not, there will be a finality issue as the two-third threshold required to launch will fail short, jeopardizing the network and forcing a reboot or worse a postponement. That would negatively impact ETH prices.

Impact on the ETH Price: 

Neutral to Bearish. In light of these concerns, the Ethereum development team has a chance to arrest this onboarding and finality issue before they announce the deposit contract date. If not, and there are problems that will dash the community expectation, the ETH price will fall in response to their failure.  

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