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Solana (SOL) Launched on the CryptoAltum Trading Platform

What is Solana?

Solana is a fast-rising alternative to Ethereum. After launching in 2020, the blockchain has emerged as one of the top performers, soaring to as high as $258 in November 2021. Solana is a scalable, low-fee smart contracting platform that offers high throughput without sacrificing decentralization. The network was created by Anatoly Yakovenko and uses a Proof-of-History consensus algorithm for faster transaction validation. SOL is the native currency of Solana.

Why Trade SOL With CryptoAltum?

Solana is an established smart contracting platform hosting various high-value DeFi and NFT dApps. Since launching, SOL has surged in valuation to occupy a slot in the top-10-- the trend could continue in years to come. Solana plans to launch its mainnet and completely decentralizes without negatively impacting reliability. SOL is now available at CryptoAltum, one of the world's most liquid cryptocurrency exchanges. Traders who sign up can trade SOL with up to 50X leverage versus BTC, ETH, USDT, and other liquid cryptocurrencies.

Solano is just one of over 70 cryptocurrency pairs offered by CryptoAltum. New users are welcome to register a free demo account and try the platform risk-free for an unlimited amount of time. 

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020