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Reasons why Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Remains the most Liquid and Popular Bitcoin Hard Fork

Bitcoin Cash forked from Bitcoin in late 2017. The contention around block size limit as a means of scaling Bitcoin and reducing transaction fees was the reason for the split.

Many, however, were not convinced, calling for the end of Bitcoin Cash—a project that was supported by, among many other personalities, Roger Ver.

Bitcoin Cash continues to beat odds, surviving and thriving as one of the most widely used and liquid Bitcoin hard forks. Reading from history, not many Bitcoin killers, forking from the platform with grand ideas stand a chance—except with Bitcoin Cash.

Why? You may ask.

For one, Bitcoin Cash, like Bitcoin, has a fixed coin supply of 21 million. Unlike Bitcoin, it is relatively cheaper to transact with and boast a wider community comprising partners and patrons.

Bitcoin Cash has already activated the Schnorr Signature and Taproot ahead of Bitcoin. It also has a vibrant token ecosystem and an established marketing front, proving its credence.

A mix of global adoption, permissionless innovation, and unrestricted growth in a relatively more private environment makes BCH attractive for traders and investors. 

CryptoAltum supports the trading of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) pairs.

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020