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Who Is A Money Manager In Trading?

Money management in trading is essential. 

Often, effective management of funds means being disciplined and following a given tested strategy. 

A big part of this, without a doubt, is implementing a risk management plan that goes hand in hand with a trader's risk profile. 

Admittedly, traders vary. 

The aggressive type is greedy when others are fearful, willing to take on the market, catching a falling knife. But, of course, the market can remain more solvent than a trader.

So, in some instances, a money manager can take charge of the ship, helping in steering it to profitability. 

A trader can use the services of a money manager to take charge of a trading account for a fee. 

These money managers are time-tested, vetted, and boast of an impressive track record of profitability. 

Ordinarily, a money manager will direct all investment and trading activity of an account but with some limitations. For instance, they can't add funds to a client's account, nor can they transfer funds. 

CryptoAltum does welcome established money managers, bringing them to the fold. All they have to do is apply. 

Several perks come with being a money manager with CryptoAltum. 

One of them is the flexible percentage of performance fees, additional introducing broker (IB) commission on all trades placed, access to the high leverage of 1:500, and an offer proportional by equity asset allocation.

For more interesting tips and facts visit our Education Centre.

Have Questions? 

We're available 24/7 to help you. You can email us, or send us a message on WhatsApp, Telegram or Messenger!

Risk Disclosure: Trading cryptocurrencies or any other financial instrument involves a significant level of risk and may result in a total loss of your investment. You should consider carefully whether investing in Bitcoin or any other instrument offered by CryptoAltum is appropriate to your financial situation. CryptoAltum only accepts deposits in Cryptocurrencies. By trading with CryptoAltum you acknowledge your understanding of this risk disclosure and your agreement with the Terms and Conditions.

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CryptoAltum does not accept any clients under the age of 18. 
  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020