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22nd Dec 2020
CryptoAltum Research Team

ETH Price Below $1k is Still Early: Real Vision co-founder

The co-founder of Real Vision, Remi Tetot, thinks ETH prices below $1k presents an opportunity for investors as it is still "early." Remi, a macro Analyst who together with Raoul Paul runs the reporting platform, is confident of Ethereum prospects joining a long list of confident of forecasting the ETH/USD price to rally to above $1k and later to $10k.


There are many faces of Ethereum. It is more than Bitcoin and can serve as a transactional layer and a smart contracting platform. While Proof-of-Work is secure, the development team is improving, shifting to a Proof-of-Stake platform for efficiency reasons. Besides, it is the home of DeFi, and institutional funding is just getting started following the listing of ETH futures at CME. Already, Grayscale has reiterated the flow of funding into their ETHE shares hinting of a possible institutional accumulation, a base for a leg up above the $1kpsychological resistance.

Impact on the ETH Price: 

Bullish. ETH and BTC are two digital assets that investors are doubling down on, pouring millions. As the network improves, resolving some of the known obstacles, ETH prices may soar to $1k.

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