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VanEck Lists Polkadot and Tron Exchange-Traded Notes on Deutsche Borse

VanEck has listed three more ETNs, including Polkadot's and Tron's, at the Deutsche Börse. These now join other similar products tracking Bitcoin, XRP, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash. All these ETNs are available for trading at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, allowing regulated institutions to gain exposure for listed products.

Texas and Arizona Voters Want Crypto Payments Legalized

Crypto is freedom. Payment is instant and can be done straight from smartphones—scan and go. That's the experience among El Salvadorians. If a poll by Redfield & Wilton Strategies is anything to go by, then it appears voters in swing states—Texas and Arizona—would want their states to legal crypto payment.

Ethereum Prints a Double-Top: a Concern for Bulls

Ethereum may evolve to become ultrasound money following the London Upgrade and on course of replacing gold and BTC. However, there are concerns for bulls reading from price action. In the weekly chart of the ETH/USDT chart there is a double top.

El Salvador Buys the Bitcoin Dip and adds 150 BTC to its Reserve

El Salvador made history as the first country to make BTC legal tender. They bought the dip on September 7 when Bitcoin prices crashed and bought even more on September 20. Announcing their ramp-up, President Bukele said the country now holds 700 BTC or slightly over $32 million, signaling confidence in the coin's long-term prospects.

Over 200 Smart Contracts Listed on Cardano

A week after Cardano activated Alonzo, completing the end of the Goguen Phase, over 200 smart contracts are listed on the platform. However, these smart contracts aren't active as they are in time-lock until developers release them.

US Inflation Remains above 5 Percent: Bitcoin Retracing from $50k

U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) stood at 5.3 percent year-to-date, down from 5.4 percent in September, data last week revealed. At the back of this announcement, Bitcoin prices inched closer towards $50k before retracing over the weekend to spot rates. Meanwhile, the USD printed higher despite concerns from investors.

AMC Entertainment adds ETH and LTC as Payment Methods

AMC Entertainment, a cinema operator, now includes ETH, Bitcoin Cash, and LTC as one of the accepted cryptocurrencies besides BTC, as per its CEO tweet, Adam Aron, on Thursday. The cinema operator's change in policy comes as a fresh breath, especially for Litecoin following this week's denial by Walmart.

A New Bitcoin Price Prediction Model States That BTC Will Never See $39k

A new model by William Clemente states that Bitcoin would never hit $39k again—affirming permabulls' position. The Illiquid Supply Floor chart combines PlanB's S2F and Glassnode's illiquid supply data to create a real-time price floor based on Bitcoin's scarcity.

Ethereum Layer-2 Arbitrum TVL Stands at Over $2.3 Billion: Gas Fees Still High

Trackers on September 16 show that Arbitrum locks over $2.3 billion less than a month after launching. While popular, the adoption of the layer-2 solution isn't helping keep Gas fees low. According to BitInfoCharts, the average cost of a simple transaction stands at $24.

Golden Cross Forms on the Bitcoin Daily Chart: BTC Traders Bullish

In what is renewing confidence after a hammering last week, Bitcoin traders are ecstatic because of a Golden Cross formation in the daily chart. Although a section of traders are not convinced this will turn the fortune for those who lost their arms last week, historically, this pattern precedes a rapid expansion in prices.

Hebei Banning Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Activities

The Hebei cyberspace commission, an agency in one of China's expansive provinces, has banned Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining activities, including trading, within its jurisdiction. According to a Reuters report, these activities obstruct China's environmental conservancy efforts.

Gary Gensler of the SEC: Stablecoins Might as well be Securities

In responding to the long-time Senator of Pennsylvania, Pat Toomey, Gary Gensler, the U.S. SEC head, revealed that stablecoins might well be securities. Stablecoins are digital currencies pegged to fiat and therefore move in sync. Their role in the crypto world is indispensable.
showing 4 of 21 entries
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