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Solana Logo

CryptoAltum Lists Solana on the MT5 Platform

CryptoAltum Announces the Addition of Solana on the MT5 Trading Platform. Trade the popular low-fee smart platform token now with up to 1:50 leverage.
Theta Logo CryptoAltum

CryptoAltum Lists Theta on the MT5 Platform

CryptoAltum Announces the Addition of Theta on the MT5 Trading Platform. Trade the popular open-source token now with up to 1:50 leverage.
Digibyte Logo

CryptoAltum Lists Digibyte on the MT5 Platform

CryptoAltum Announces the Addition of Digibyte on the MT5 Trading Platform. Trade the community driven token now with up to 1:50 leverage.
Enjin Crypto Logo

CryptoAltum Lists Enjin on the MT5 Platform

CryptoAltum Announces the Addition of Enjin on the MT5 Trading Platform. Trade the popular ERC-20 token now with up to 1:50 leverage.
Chilliz CHZ Logo

Chiliz Launched on the CryptoAltum Trading Platform

CryptoAltum Launches Chilliz (CHZ) on it's MT5 Trading Platform. Trade Now With 1:50 Leverage. 

Checking the Status of a Cryptocurrency Transaction

All cryptocurrency transactions take place on a ‘Blockchain’. Every transaction has its own reference number, called a ‘Transaction ID’ (also referred to as a TXID or Hash). You will need the Transaction ID if you wish to check the status of a transaction, or if you are required to provide proof of sending.

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Launched

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu launced with 1:50 leverage!

13 January 2022: Scheduled Maintenance ETH Node

We have a scheduled maintenance of ETH node.

12 January 2022: Scheduled Maintenance TRON and ADA Nodes

We have a scheduled maintenance of TRON and ADA nodes.

Depositing in Tether (USDT)

Tether (USDT) is a stable coin which is pegged to the value of the US dollar. This means that 1 USDT is always equal to 1 USD. USDT is a popular deposit choice for CryptoAltum clients, due to its stable value.

November 2021: Holiday Calendar

Holiday Calendar CryptoAltum for November 2021.
showing 3 of 8 entries
Risk Disclosure: Trading cryptocurrencies or any other financial instrument involves a significant level of risk and may result in a total loss of your investment. You should consider carefully whether investing in Bitcoin or any other instrument offered by CryptoAltum is appropriate to your financial situation. CryptoAltum only accepts deposits in Cryptocurrencies. By trading with CryptoAltum you acknowledge your understanding of this risk disclosure and your agreement with the Terms and Conditions.

This website is not directed at any jurisdiction and is not intended for any use that would be contrary to local law or regulation.

CryptoAltum does not accept any clients under the age of 18. 
  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020